Control Sweat Naturally

Friday, September 14, 2007

Get Rid Of Excessive Underarm Sweating

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In case of excessive underarm sweating it is generally believed that it cannot be cured by a method other than a surgery. The fact is of course some what different from this. Although everyone perspires while doing physical activities or exercising. This also happens during hot weather but for some people things go beyond manageable scale. Some people even sweat during cold weather and while not doing any physical hard work. Hyperhidrosis is somehow a very easily found problem and is seen in every 5 people out of 100. As a matter of fact, most of such people don’t turn up at a doctor’s clinic because they feel embarrassed to discuss it openly.

Excessive underarm sweating or the Axillary Hyperhidrosis or the Arm Pit Hyperhydrosis as the name suggests affects only under arms region of the body. It has been linked to various pathophysiological mechanisms. Although this disorder of excessive under arm sweating can be treated with the ETS (Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathectomy) surgery or the ETS C surgery, the patients in some cases might observe a high level of Compensatory Sweating. Individuals who have an adverse amount of hand sweating with arm pit sweating or axillary sweating as the secondary condition are considered to be more qualified candidates for an ETS surgery.

The under arm area which is an appocrine sweat gland excretes the excessive fatty material in the body along with the sweat. This presence of the fatty material along with the chemicals present in the sweat gives out the typical bad odor to the under arm sweat. To control the body odor arising from the excessive sweaty under arms, one may use the deodorants available in the market.

In addition to using deodorants there are a number of remedies available to cure the excessive underarm sweating tendency in some people. One such remedy known as the Sumphathectomy can be employed to check the excessive sweating in a person. This treatment involves the cutting down of the nerves that control the sweating of the body, and may result in less sweating.

These nerves that connect to the sweat glands are cut or can be removed. Even though this remedy is quite efficient in getting rid of sweaty under arms, it should be taken as the last option.

Another remedy, which can be considered, to get rid of excessive underarm sweating, is to get the sweat glands removed. This treatment is done my dermatologist to check the excessive sweating tendency in some people. In this remedy the doctor may cut or remove the sweat gland in an area, which creates the excessive sweating problem. Though this remedy is very effective but it might bring along other side effects along with it. Thus before getting this treatment done one must get the gather the complete knowledge of the procedure of this cure, and the possible side effects associated with it.

Surgeons from around the world have earned expertise in treating axillary hyperhidrosis or excessive underarm sweating and believe that this disorder can be treated through a surgery of the sympathetic nervous system. This process is different from the treatment of palmatory and facial hyperhidrosis. Discrete sympathetic procedures are used to cure different sympathetic disorders as the rules of Lin-Telaranta suggests. These classifications and rules insist on the concept of discrete procedure for a discrete problem. This in turn leads to better results from operations with minimal side effects and negligible complications arising.

Some doctors also believe that that the facial and arm pit sweating or hyperhidrosis can virtually handicap the lives of patients. The axillary sweating can also be treated using the Duarte Kux method. This method has a 95% success rate and is considered to be most effective and safest solution to the disorder. Its also more efficient and easier for the patient to be a part of this procedure.

Gen Mason also suffers from excessive sweating. Discover free natural ways to end your sweating at Excessive Sweating Medical Conditions

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