Control Sweat Naturally

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How to Stop Sweating Problems

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Sweating problems occur when the body produces perspiration, even when it is not in danger of overheating. Sometimes the body mistakenly produces sweat in response to nervousness or embarrassment, other times sweat is produced for no obvious cause. Excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis usually shows up in childhood but becomes most problematic during the young adult years as your body starts to go through puberty. Girls are affected three times more frequently than boys.

Sweating problems are both a personal and a professional liability. Many people who sweat excessively become anxious about going out in public and may sharply restrict their social contacts. Some people are embarrassed to date, or even to shake hands with a new acquaintance. Due to the smell of perspiration and the unsightliness of soaked clothing, employers may be reluctant to hire people who perspire heavily to work with the public. Some people whose hands sweat a lot complain of being unable to work because they can't handle paper

If you sweat excessively then you`re probably desperate to stop sweating. Many will go to any lengths, such as trying multiple antiperspirants and deodorants or paying hundreds of dollars for ineffective herbal remedies. Some people try antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications with varying degrees relief.

Others make changes in their diets or wash the affected area many times every day.Here is a couple of tips that can help:


  • Avoiding strongly scented or spicy foods can reduce the odor of perspiration. It should be noted that while changes in diet and hygiene will not stop excessive sweating, they may in fact decrease the odor associated with it.
  • Shaving your armpits religiously may stop the smell. Bacteria grow rampant in the hair under the arms and it is the bacteria feeding off the perspiration, not the perspiration itself, which causes odor.
Other people wanting to stop excessive sweating spend a lot of money going to doctors and trying radical treatments such as mild electric shocks (iontophoresis), botox injections, or even surgery to remove the sweat glands or to sever the line of communication between the nerves and the sweat glands. These treatments often work, but the cost is often prohibitive and the side effects can be unpleasant. There is how-ever another, more affordable option to stop excessive sweating. The treatment works by using 20% aluminium chloride soulutions to enter the sweat glands and causing them to swell, thus blocking perspiration from reaching the top layer of the skin. Over time, the sweat glands may actually shrink, which means less perspiration permanently. So don't let sweating problems continue to be an embarrassing issue in your life. It is actually possible to do something about it.

After struggling with excessive sweating for years Bill Platt wrote the manual "A 8 Step Manual to Stop Sweating When Regular Deodorants and Antiperspirants Don't Do the Trick." It lets you know how he stopped his own sweating problems and how you can too. Check it out

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