Control Sweat Naturally

Friday, August 17, 2007

An Excessive Sweating Remedy

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Having problems with excessive sweating is a difficult thing to put up with. There are thousands of people who also have the problem and suffer just as you do. One of the problems with sweating problems is that the people that have them tend to keep silent on the issue, trying to cure the disease by covering over its effects. They do this by using powders and sprays that they find at the local drug store, as well as by using multiple layers of clothing, or avoiding situations where they would start to sweat in the first place. Sometimes they isolate themselves in order to avoid the embarrassment, and that is no way to live. There is, however, an excessive sweating remedy that has helped some people to come to terms with their sweating problems.

Excessive sweating is generally caused by a problem known as Hyperhidrosis. The primary form of Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where there is a problem with the nervous system. While this problem is not really understood, it seems to affect the sweat glands in those that have the condition. Secondary Hyperhidrosis seems to be more common and is excessive sweating caused by an underlying condition, such as hormonal changes or perhaps glandular problems or a disease, such as diabetes. Finding what is at the root of the sweating problem will help you to identify an excessive sweating remedy that will work for you.

One excessive sweating remedy that has helped some people is to take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of raw honey (raw, unfiltered, unheated) two or three times a day. Some people have reported that this has helped their sweating problems to dry up and disappear after some time.

Natural methods of curing your overactive sweat glands do exist. In fact you can clear up your sweating problem without using one single drug, cream or other medical treatment. They never really work anyway and provide some temporary relief at best. Visit our website for a special report on how you can finally be free from sweating at

Special report has the medical companies sweating. Visit us now for a special natural method of profuse sweating relief.

Related Articles:-
  • Types Of Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)
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