Control Sweat Naturally

Thursday, September 20, 2007

4 Tips to Stop Excessive Underarm Sweating

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  1. Wear clothes made from wool, silk and cotton. Natural fabrics allow wind to flow through easily. Such circulation will decrease sweat drastically. On sunny hot days, light-colored clothes will reflect more sunlight back which also helps a lot. A white or light hat is sometimes a must for you because your head control your body temperature. Make your head cool, then your head will let body sweat less. Dress in layers so that you can easily put off your coat when you feel hot and sweat start to come out under your arm.
  2. Go gym and stay fit. Body fat can block the natural heat exchange between your body and the air. And we all know a fat person usually sweat much more than a fit one. Doing exercises in gym will let sweat heavily and regularly. By doing this, your body temperature control system in improving together with your muscle. Your body will have stronger adjustment towards hot temperature, and you can probably sweat less.
  3. Try yoga, meditation, or taiji. Underarm sweating is also because of stress. You must experience this before. The more you want to control sweating, the more you are going to sweat. That's because stress is a trigger of sweating. Take a deep breathe and keep relaxing if you think you can't control it.
  4. Sometimes antiperspirant and deodorant work very well. But you have to use them together and use them several times a day. Talcum power after a bath will reduce the chance of sweating.

You probably can use these tips to controll your underarm sweating problem, but never stop it. There are other ways than surgery to stop sweating problem. Click the link below to discover it.

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