Control Sweat Naturally

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Facts About Excessive Sweating Syndrome

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Sweaty palms disorder or the palmer hyperhidrosis is the most commonly diagnosed forms of the excessive sweating syndrome hyperhidrosis. This condition represents itself by occurring as a condition when a person’s hands and soles of the feet sweat boundlessly. This produces wet and cold hands of the patients who suffer from hyperhidrosis. That is the bad news, the good is that there is more than one cure for sweaty palms.

Certain emotional and psychological conditions are known to trigger excessive sweating syndrome. These emotional or psychological states include anxiety, nervousness or even anger. Although psychological distress is a widely acceptable cause of sweating, this sweaty palms effect mostly occurs in absence of outside stimulation. That is why its causes are thought to be rooted in the sympathetic nervous system.

In some patients excessive sweating syndrome occurs in combinations. The most commonly diagnosed blend of two different forms of hyperhidrosis is sweaty palms and feet soles together. This combination may also occur as the sweaty hands with excessive sweating in the under arms region. Such disorders are very common in teens at the time of puberty and may carry on for the whole life if not dealt with on time.

The amount of sweat that is excreted by the body is mainly dependent on the outside temperature and the exertion done by the body. More the exertion done, more is the sweat produced, so as to regulate the body temperature and to keep the body cool. . The chemical, which gives out odor to sweat, is 2 methyl phenol and 4 methyl phenol. The presence of these chemicals in the sweat is mainly responsible for the odor of the sweat. Sweat is excreted in humans through the sweat glands present in the body.

The armpits generally comprise of the appocrine glands, which are the sweat glands. These glands in addition to the watery sweat also excrete the fatty materials. This is why the under arm area is generally more sweat producing and gives out the odor, when it sweats.

The sweat pores are present throughout the body and are responsible for the excretion of the sweat from the body, thus regulating the body temperature. Sweat pores are also present in the palms. The sweaty palm excessive sweating is termed as palmer hyper hydrosis and may result in excessive sweat excretion through the palms. The problem of sweaty palm is genetic in most cases, which generally starts at early age and gradually increases with the age. The problem of sweaty palm may affect the social life of a person. The sympathetic chain controls the sweating mechanism, which is located in the chest cavity of the human body, and excessive sweating is the result of the hyper activity of the sympathetic chain, which is a part of the nervous system.

The problem of excessive sweating syndrome may get severe and a patient facing this problem may be categorized in one of the four categories, which are classified and distinguished on the basis of the severity of the problem.

This excessive sweating syndrome may affect the social life of a person and hence doctors have deduced a cure for it, which is known as the Thoracic Sympathectomy. The process involves surgical treatment, through the chest cavity, and the patient may be required to stay in the hospital for over 60 days. The recent development in this field has put to use the miniature cameras to remove the problems associated with it, and the patient is hospitalized for not more than 20 days.

The recent improvements in technologies have lead to safer surgical treatments that can be used as a cure for sweaty palms. These days the surgery is performed using endoscopy, wherein an optical fiber is put to use for the operation.

Thus the cure for sweaty palms and other excessive sweating syndromes has been well researched, and has been made possible by a surgical operation known as the thoracic sympathectomy, which is concerned with an endoscopic surgery of the chest cavity.

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