Control Sweat Naturally

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sweating And Oily Skin

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In most cases of oily skin, you will only find that your face is only while the rest of the skin on your body stays fairly normal. It is the sebaceous glands that produce more oil than necessary, and this usually occurs on your face, much to the chagrin of everyone.

Your face is slick and shiny and you want to do everything you can to keep it from getting out of hand, especially if you find that you are prone to acne, as many people with oily skin tend to be.

Because too much oil traps dirt and dead skin cells and clogs up pores, making them the perfect place for bacteria to multiply, you may already assume that sweating will only make things worse. If you sweat too much, you could only aggravate your condition, your skin will be even shinier, and your pores will clog up with even more stuff.

Not so. In fact, sweating will give you the opposite effect. When you sweat, you are actually helping to clear out your pores and ridding yourself of toxins, and in general, giving your body and skin a boost. Sweating will help push the clogged materials out of your pores, like natural exfoliation. This can be a great thing considering most exfoliation products only scrub away at the surface.

Other treatments such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels can dig deeper and get at the deeper areas of your pores, but the majority of people out there do not have the time or extra money to get a professionally done microdermabrasion treatment or chemical peel.

Instead, you can give yourself a good sweat and let your body do the rest. Though it is true that sweating is not the one way to exfoliate and also may not always get every pore clear, it does help out in the long run. The best way to get a good, effective sweat going on is to utilize exercise.

You can exercise any way you like as long as it makes you sweat. Exercise is also good for your skin and your body. As oily skin is most commonly caused by hormones, daily exercise might help in keeping your hormones more stable and thus leaving you with less oily skin.

It is recommended that you rinse off your face after sweating (or just hop in the shower after a nice round of exercise) because after getting those icky materials out of your pores, they are still going to have traces on your face.

It is possible that the materials already in your skin may linger and simply catch in other pores. While the sweat itself is not a threat to your skin, the remaining pore plugging substances need to be removed before they go back to their usual method of sneaking into your pores and causing outbreaks of acne.

Because the best way to work up a good sweat is by exercising, you should look into starting an exercise program for yourself. There are many, many benefits to exercise than just sweating away your stopped up pores and oily skin.

Exercising will make your body much healthier and will improve your condition overall. That includes getting rid of stress, as the workout helps you get out all that pent up stress energy and ease you back into a better mood, which will also help reduce your oily skin and acne outbreaks.

Once you are finished working out, working up a sweat, and rinsing your face clean, you can go ahead and continue with your daily facial routine. Keeping things consistent will help your skin get back into shape and become less oily over time.

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    Wednesday, August 29, 2007

    Embarrassing Excessive Facial Sweating

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    When you cannot seem to do anything without your face and scalp braking into a terrible sweat it is often do to excessive facial sweating. This disorder affects millions and millions of people worldwide and it is vital you know that there is hope.

    Excessive facial sweating is a frustrating thing to have and too many people are too embarrassed to visit their doctor about this condition. It is important that you get over this and see your doctor as soon as you can. There are plenty of methods for dealing with this condition and it is time that you started seeing which ones were right for you.

    Everyone sweats. We do it to release toxins that have built up in our bodies and we do it to control our temperature. That is why when we exercise we sweat, we are exerting ourselves and getting too hot, so the body tries to cool itself down. How this works is simple, by making the skin wet, we feel cooler when air hits us. Unfortunately not all of us only sweat when we have been working out. Many sweat even when not doing anything physical, and we sweat a lot. This is hyperhidrosis and when this sweating happens mainly in the facial and scalp area it is called facial hyperhidrosis.

    The face and scalp have so many pores that it makes sweating in these areas excessively too easy if you ask me. Excessive facial sweating may feel like a curse but you can try a number of different methods to both control it and prevent it completely.

    There are some surgical methods that your doctor may wish to employ to help you with excessive facial sweating but these should not be done right out of the gate. It is vital that you take the time and effort to try other options before resorting to any kind of surgical procedure. Surgery may be a quick fix but it is also a permanent one and why go through the pain and suffering, never mind the expense if you don’t really have to. Better to try all the other methods first and eliminate them as possible cures for hyperhidrosis.

    Good methods of dealing with excessive facial sweating are those that are painless and easy to manage. The treatments are often very different than those employed for other types of excessive sweating. Because the facial area is made up of such sensitive and delicate skin you cannot use the same topical treatments on it that you would use for other parts of the body such as the underarm area. That skin is much tougher and can handle stronger things coming into contact with it.

    Before you put anything at all on your skin it is best to speak with your regular doctor. Better yet, if you have a dermatologist then speak with this professional. This is the person that you can trust. They know best what is good for your skin and what is not. They have spent a lifetime learning all about how to treat the skin of the entire body and they will be able to help you in a big way when it comes to dealing with excessive facial sweating.

    Sometimes excessive sweating from facial hyperhidrosis at public gatherings may cause extreme unhappiness, this is unfortunate on just one of the reasons why you need to take care of this problem today. It also brings psychological trauma to people who suffer from it. So start looking for a cure today and make a change for the better.

    Gen Mason also suffers from excessive sweating. Discover free natural ways to end your sweating at Excessive Sweating Medical Conditions

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    Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Excessive Body Sweating Problems

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    There are many reasons why a person might sweat, and it is really a natural thing to do so. The body sweats in order to cool itself, using the perspiration as a way to release heat through the cooling effect of evaporation. If we didn't sweat we could die because we do not have the ability to release that excess heat through other means, such as panting like a dog. There are times, however, when excessive body sweating becomes a real problem, and there are thousand of people who suffer from this affliction. Most of the people that have problems with excessive body sweating suffer silently, not really doing much more about it than they can find a temporary remedy for in the drug store, others look for a more natural approach to healing their problem. Finding what is at the root of your sweating problems is really the key to finding out how to fix the problem.

    There are those that suffer from a condition known as Hyperhidrosis. This little understood condition seems to kick the sweat glands into high gear, especially where they are concentrated, such as in the face and head, under the arms, the back, hands and feet. Generally speaking it only affects one of these areas on a particular individual. Secondary Hyperhidrosis is sweating caused by an underlying cause. It could be caused by such things as an illness, like diabetes, or it could be because of hormonal or glandular problems. The victim of this problem usually experiences excessive body sweating, which is not always confined to one particular area.

    Natural methods of curing your overactive sweat glands do exist. In fact you can clear up your sweating problem without using one single drug, cream or other medical treatment. They never really work anyway and provide some temporary relief at best. Visit our website for a special report on how you can finally be free from sweating at

    Special report has the medical companies sweating. Visit us now for a special natural method of profuse sweating relief.

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    How to Stop From Sweating

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    Excessive sweating can be a real problem, not to mention very embarrassing. You are going to get some great tips on how to reduce, and in some people, how to stop from sweating all together. I used to be in your place when I used to sweat all of the time. I often would wear under shirts hoping that it would soak the sweat up before it reached my outer shirt. I always hated those embarrassing pit stains. I also have tried things like wearing baggy clothes for better ventilation. I also would align my vents in the car so that they would blow cold air up my arm sleeves to dry the sweat under my arms. It came to the point that all I was doing was thinking of ways that I could hide my sweating problem.

    Excessive sweating is also knows as hyperhidrosis. There are plenty of medicines that can reduce sweating, but I am here to tell you that there are ways to stop from sweating completely naturally. I know because I have stopped sweating totally. Some things that you can try are first, make sure that you are using the correct product under your arms. It is a common mistake that people make to thing that they are using antiperspirant/deodorant, when they are really using just deodorant. Deodorant will only help with odor, and not do anything to help the wetness. This is a very common mistake, so make sure that you check the label of the product that you are using.

    Another thing that will help people from noticing the sweat is to wear light colored loose-fitting clothing. I know that this is probably what you already do, but you can continue to do this until we get the sweating under control. Don’t forget that you are going to learn how to stop from sweating. It just takes a little time to get things under control.

    You also want to avoid wearing clothing made of silk or artificial fibers. These products can cling to your skin and restrict air flow. This will in turn make you sweat even more. You will always want to wear cotton so that you can get the best air flow and the best prevention of sweating.

    Another tip for learning how to stop from sweating is to look for a antiperspirant with aluminum chloride. This is what is used to block the pores and block out the sweat from escaping. Some people have said that aluminum chloride may be linked to several diseases, but there are no facts to prove this. Personally, I use it every day, and it helped my sweating from the first day that I started wearing antiperspirant with aluminum chloride.

    Did you know that excessive sweating is a curable condition that affects many people? I tried everything from wearing two undershirts to putting toilet paper under my arms to soak up sweat. I also took several showers throughout the day because of all the sweating. Don’t let this happen to you.

    Can you really cure your sweating problem with only 30 seconds of work each day? Find out now Do you want to be another statistic or learn.

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    Sunday, August 26, 2007

    Excessive Foot Sweating Problems

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    Having a problem with sweating is nothing to laugh about. There are many thousands of people from all over that have this problem, and while it is something that is fairly common, many of those people will suffer silently, not looking much further than the local drug store for help. People with sweating problems seem to try and find ways to cover over the problem, wearing additional layers of clothing, using powders and sprays and even just avoiding going out in public or exerting themselves around others to avoid an embarrassing situations. One way that people have problems is through excessive foot sweating.

    Excessive sweating is generally caused by a condition known as Hyperhidrosis. This problem comes in two varieties, the first being primary Hyperhidrosis. This is a problem that is caused by something being wrong with the nervous system. While it is not really known what causes this problem, it is known that it seems to kick the sweat glands into high gear, and this is generally felt in one particular area of the body. Secondary Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that is caused by an underlying reason, such as an overactive thyroid gland or perhaps hormonal changes in the body because of menopause.

    Most people with excessive foot sweating problems do try the drug store route, using powders and spraying antiperspirant on their feet in order to try to keep them dry. Some are in a position to wear absorbent socks and to switch them often while others don't have that luxury, as in the case of women who wear open shoes. Doctors will suggest such things as surgery or sometimes Botox to help with the problem.

    Many people from all over have problems with sweating. Many of them have problems with excessive foot sweating, for example, and there isn't much information out there that can really help.

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    Friday, August 24, 2007

    How to Stop Profuse Sweating

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    Sweating, for those of us with a problem with profuse sweating just the mention of the word is enough to make us start to perspire. We walk around wearing t-shirts under our shirts in an attempt to soak up the extra sweat and pile on the deodorant in order to mask the body odor. Some of us even use our break times to take a quick shower. But what is it that causes sweating and how can we stop profuse sweating once and for all.

    Sweating is a part of the body's natural cooling system. We sweat in order that when the sweat on our body evaporates it causes our body temperature to be at a specific level, similar to the way many of us keep one leg our from under the covers at night. But sometimes, for various reasons, the sweating stops being a natural helpful thing and becomes a problem. Perhaps we have overactive glands that cause us to sweat profusely, or perhaps we may have a more serious underlying problem and it is just manifested in our profuse sweating. Finding out exactly why you have the problem is the first step in living with it.

    Of course there are a lot of ways that people try to stop profuse sweating, everything from laser treatments to surgery, and there is no end to the over the counter and prescription medications that are available to help the profuse sweater. My favorite way of treating any illness or problem with the human body is thorough natural means. Using a natural method to reduce the sweating can not only help you to feel better about yourself, it can remove the problem from you once and for all.

    Natural methods of curing your overactive sweat glands do exist. In fact you can clear up your sweating problem without using one single drug, cream or other medical treatment. They never really work anyway and provide some temporary relief at best. Visit our website for a special report on how you can finally be free from sweating at

    Special report has the medical companies sweating. Visit us now for a special natural method of profuse sweating relief.

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    Sweating It Out In Home Saunas

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    Everyone I know loves to go on vacations and it's for a number of reasons, but probably the two biggest reasons are, to get away, and relax. Many of us love to be pampered and taken care of. We go to restaurants to be waited on, and most all of us will spend the few extra dollars to have our hair shampooed, when we get a hair cut. Home saunas can make you feel relaxed right in the privacy of your own home. We are willing to pay many dollars to do things to improve our bodies. We join gyms that are expensive with yearly contracts, and we may not even attend all the time. We might treat ourselves to a massage once in awhile, and even get a pedicure. This article will give you a sweating account of what home saunas are, and how you can not only benefit from using one, but relax at the same time.

    Home saunas are becoming very popular these days. Many people are seeing the benefits of using a sauna and what better place than in the privacy of your own home. The word sauna refers to sweating. Sweating is great for the body. There are many benefits your body will receive just from sweating. Unlike having to get ready and go to a spa or public facility to use their sauna, home saunas can provide you with anytime use. It doesn't matter what you look like or what you wear, if you wear anything at all. Saunas originated in Finland and families used their home saunas together socially.

    It was and is still, very common to be nude while in the sauna and no one thinks a thing of it. Without a swim suit on, your body can freely sweat without any restrictions. Unlike a public facility where you will be among strangers, home saunas provide you with privacy, so going nude won't offend anyone. There are public saunas you can go nude in, but they are separated male and female and you usually cover yourself with a towel. Home saunas provide a much more comfortable environment to sweat in.

    Home saunas can be built very easily into your home and they don't require a lot of space. Most saunas require an enclosed room that uses rocks that are heated to high temperatures and you simply sit in it on benches. You can heat the rocks by way of electric, gas, wood, or even solar power. You can provide wet or dry heat in your home saunas. The dry heat would be to just heat the rocks, and to have wet heat you would simply add some water to the hot rocks. You can get great benefits from either type.

    Just sitting in home saunas, sweating and ridding your body of toxins and impurities, can be very relaxing.

    If you need more helpful Sauna information then quickly head over to where you will find helpful sauna tips, advice and resources to include home saunas, portable saunas and more Home Saunas information.

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    Thursday, August 23, 2007

    How To Stop Sweating At Night

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    Sweating At Night is a very common problem for many people. Regardless of the reason, sweating at night is tied to one specific trigger.

    In this section I will try to address the general reason why people are sweating at night. This information is not tied to one specific cause for sweating but it is related to them all. For sweating at night can be explained in a logical manner that will allow you to eliminate this sleep depriving problem. Sweating at night is simply due to our bodies’ inability to cool itself down. As uncomplicated as that may sound, there is more to it than that clear-cut fact. We must understand how the body cools itself down before we can address the problem successfully.

    Sweating at night is the very last action that the body takes in its effort to cool down. Anything past that stage becomes a health risk commonly known as heat exhaustion. Prior to sweating the body attempts to eliminate heat using three preferred methods. If the required coolness can not be obtained with the three main methods of cooling, the body has no choice but to sweat. The three methods the body uses prior to sweating at night or sweating any time are the following in this order:

    • Radiation
    • Conduction
    • Convection

    Radiation is when you radiate heat energy like an oven, or a light bulb, You can feel the heat without touching the source.

    Conduction is the heat that you will feel when you touch the source of radiant heat. That heat that is transferred to your hand by conduction.

    Convection is the heat that you can feel when hot air is blown upon you. Like the heat of a hair dryer. That is an extreme example of convection but simple to understand. The heat that is generated within the hair dryer is transferred to the air via convection. Thus the air is conveying the heat from the heat source inside of the dryer. The heat is moved from inside the hair dryer, out to your hair using air.

    So what dose all this have to do with sweating at night? Lets remember that sweating is the very last phase of cooling that the body will go through prior to just shutting itself down. We are attempting to eliminate sweating at night. so to accomplish this we must realize that we must cool the body before we reach the sweating stage.

    Radiation and condition are the two cooling methods that are normally used wile we are in bed. Your body radiates heat and your bed absorbs that radiation. You are laying in your bed, surrounded by material, that material is also absorbing your body heat.

    Sweating at night happens because we reach a point in our bed where the bed is no longer able to absorb more heat. The next step the body takes to cool itself down is sweating.

    But wait, you say, what about the third step in cooling, Convection?

    You are absolutely right. How could we forget about convection? Remember the description of convection, where the air moves next to the source of heat and conveys that heat away. That is exactly what you will need to do. And a simple fan that will cool your body and your bed at the same time, using convection will help you will remain cool and your sweating at night will be over for good.

    Kurt Tompkins is the founder of Tompkins Research, a specialty engineering firm concentrating on real life issues and logical methods to resolving problems. His company developed, manufactures & distributes the Bedfan personal cooling system. Let us show you how sweating at night can be stopped. See what our clients are saying about the methods implied in this article.

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    How to Stop Excessive Sweating

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    Have you ever been embarrassed by excessive sweating? Do you want to know how to stop excessive sweating for good? Let me tell you now that you are not alone, and there are solutions to your problem out there!

    There are a number of strategies that you can implement to stop sweating. Unfortunately, many of them simply don't work for everyone. If your problem is severe, applying antiperspirant multiple times a day or having extra showers will not always fix the problem. You may have to take more drastic measures. For instance, you can even have surgery to fix the problem! But honestly, I highly advise against that as it is expensive and complications can always occur. But it is always a possibility.

    So by now you're probably asking what can I do to fix the problem? If you've done any research into the topic you'll know there are a number of 'solutions' floating around the place. e-Books on the topic, home remedies and such -- The list goes on. I'll tell you right now some work and some don't work. I have done research into a few, and the results vary depending on remedy to remedy and patient to patient.

    If you feel your problem is severe, you can also see a doctor about the problem. Unfortunately more often then not they will just tell you to wear more antiperspirant, have more showers during the day and wear lighter clothing -- nothing you didn't know already!

    Want to know how to stop excessive sweating for good? Find out more about a popular product which does exactly that here

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    Monday, August 20, 2007

    Controlling Excessive Sweating Naturally

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    Having a problem with excessive sweating is not laughing matter. Millions of people suffer with profuse sweating problems every day, and for some it becomes so big of a problem that it actually cuts into their lifestyle and keeps them from enjoying life to the full. I know that when I used to have a problem with sweating I would dread even getting out of the shower. By the time I was toweled off I was usually already drenched with sweat and had noticeable body odor. Still other times I would try to hide my problem by layering clothes, but no matter how many undershirts I wore the sweat stains would soon be showing through. It was a very difficult situation to overcome.

    The problem that is often called profuse sweating or excessive sweating is actually a problem that is clinically known as Hyperhidrosis, and as I stated before there are millions of us that suffer from it. Some people have it as sweaty palms while others sweat a lot in their underarms. Still others, like me, have the problem where we are in a full body sweat at the slightest movement. So what can be done about profuse sweating and what can be done in controlling excessive sweating?

    There are some topical creams and antiperspirants that can give you some temporary relief, and I'm sure that you have tried them just like all of us have and have been disappointed. Let's face it, those over the counter drug store cures are for those that don't really have a sweating problem at all. If you really want to remove the sweating problem once and for all then you really need to go after a natural cure, one that will bring permanent relief from your sweating problems.

    Natural methods of curing your overactive sweat glands do exist. In fact you can clear up your sweating problem without using one single drug, cream or other medical treatment. They never really work anyway and provide some temporary relief at best. Visit our website for a special report on how you can finally be free from sweating at

    Special report has the medical companies sweating. Visit us now for a special natural method of profuse sweating relief.

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    Excessive Sweating In Children

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    If you notice excessive sweating in children, many times we perceive it to be a common phenomenon. This is justified as children are known to spend a considerable amount of their time playing in engaging in physical exertion. As such, they tend to sweat a lot more. However all may not be well and at times excessive sweating in children denotes a continuous and ongoing problem for the youngster. In case you observe that your ward or child is sweating incessantly, it’s time to pay heed and take corrective action. Do confirm if the child has been experiencing excessive sweating even when they are in school or may be at other times that do not involve physical exertion. If the child answers in the affirmative or if you can clearly notice such an occurrence, it’s important that you seek help.

    Obviously, excessive sweating in children does not necessarily refer to Hyperhydrosis, but could be a tell tale sign. Since we are not professionals and would not be able to make an accurate judgment, seeking medical help is a great option. A few routine tests can determine the cause of excessive sweating in children. This can help determine what is plaguing the child and how his/her situation can be improvised.

    In most instances, excessive underarm perspiration problems seem to start in ones adolescent years. However in case of the palm and sole, excess sweating starts a lot in a majority of cases. The armpit sweating concerns start to develop rapidly around the child’s early teenage years in most cases. Now as adults we do realize how embarrassing sweating at all times can be. Excess sweating has many drawbacks and can influence a patient in a depressing manner. As adults we realize the implications, as children the situation is a lot tougher. Excessive sweating in children can cause uniforms to be stained and could cause increased body odor. . Children and adolescents with Hyperhidrosis are in fact not only enduring a medical problem but tend to suffer a strong psychological setback. This is because their condition could cause them to be the butt of jokes at school. For this it may not always be possible to blame the other kids as children think in a very different manner. However, for a child who is ridiculed, facing school life becomes increasingly difficult. They start to undergo tremendous social embarrassment that is wholly connected to their excessive sweating condition. Continuous teasing can cause children to develop a low esteem. Many times, excessive sweating in a child can cause others to shun an affected child. This could be a very traumatizing experience and could cause the child to behave like a social outcast. Apart from this, excessive sweating in children could cause serious outcomes. This includes experiencing great difficulty in concentrating in school, obscurity and evasion of social situations.

    Excessive sweating in children makes them rather self conscious and causes them to shy away from interactions. This is because , sick kids feel insecure and are in the search of a safe haven where they are not placed with others who would ridicule them, obviously parents will have serious concern regarding a child’s behavior. Since it is difficult to pacify the child or help them see the situation, it is important that you seek proper guidance at the earliest possible. Apart from this it is essential that early treatment is introduced as this can greatly improve the child’s quality of life. The situation may need psychiatric intervention and parents could also enroll in related forums and introduce children into help groups so they can help retain their lost faith.

    Gen Mason also suffers from excessive sweating. Discover free natural ways to end your sweating at Excessive Sweating Medical Conditions

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    Excessive Sweating At Night

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    Many people face the problem of excessive sweating at night, which may lead to damp and moist bed. The problem may disturb the sleep and may cause disorders. A person facing this problem may feel excessively hot or cold while sleeping. There are various causes to this problem of excessive sweating at night, which is sometimes referred to as sleep hyperhidrosis.

    The problem may be caused due to the consumption of alcohol, coffee or spicy food, before bedtime. It can also be caused during menopause. A person suffering from this problem must consult a doctor. Diabetes is another cause to this problem.

    Any person may suffer from excessive sweating at night regardless of age or sex. Excessive sweating may happen all over the body from the facial area, arm pits, feet and trunk. The sweating from different parts are different cases of hyperhidrosis.

    Sweating during the night is triggered by thermal sweating which is considered to be the main factor behind nocturnal sweating or nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Patients of this disorder often wake up at nights with sweat soaked bed and heavily perspiring body. The severe forms of hyperhidrosis are other than night sweating. However even sweating at night can pose major problems which may scale up to unmanageable severity. Once the problem goes beyond control then it’s hard to deal with it. In such a condition even the medications can’t work to their full effectiveness.

    In case of nocturnal sweating, an individual generally faces a problem of excessive underarm sweating. Heavy perspiration in groin region has also been reported in some severe cases. This can be dangerous as the body keeps on losing water and salt levels at night when a person is asleep. This in turn may lead to complexities during night time when a person is unconsciously asleep.

    Causes behind Night Sweating –

    The triggering of night time sweat has been linked to many factors. When a person develops this disorder many fever causing ailments follow. This is because of excessive sweating at night lowers the body temperature below permissible norms and when body resumes the heat, this sudden change in temperature causes feverish symptoms when the person gets up in the morning.

    Night sweating also reduces the relaxation during sleep and the most important purpose of sleep i.e. resting is not fulfilled fully so the patients wake up under rested and with a dizzy feeling for the rest of the day. During menopause women also experience nocturnal sweating. Though excessive sweating at night are governed by many other problems including the over consumption of alcohol, coffee, or spicy foods, menopause in women, during pregnancy, etc. The problem may disturb the sleep and may cause disorders. A person facing this problem may feel excessively hot or cold while sleeping. There are various causes to this problem of excessive sweating at night, which is sometimes referred to as sleep hyperhidrosis, and a person facing this problem must consult a doctor to check for the causes to this problem.

    So if you are a patient of this disorder then spicy food, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited for consumption.

    Curing the Nocturnal hyperhidrosis – Before beginning with the cure of the disorder an in depth diagnosis is required. The doctor observes the symptoms and only then gauges the severity of the problem. If you observe night sweating in yourself then try to cut down on food items listed above in the prohibited list. Whenever you feel this problem is exceeding tolerable norms consult a doctor immediately. Doctors generally advise antiperspirants, botox injections and the iontophoresis therapy for the cure. In some severe cases surgery is also advised.

    Gen Mason also suffers from excessive sweating. Discover free natural ways to end your sweating at Excessive Sweating Medical Conditions

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    Friday, August 17, 2007

    A Solution to Foot Sweating

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    It's a problem that not everyone can relate to, making it only that much more difficult to reach out for help. Foot sweating affects you no matter how inconvenient the situation. You may be cuddling up on the couch with a loved one or hanging out at your date's apartment. You might be playing some kind of game that requires you to play in your socks. Or, and this is my favorite, you might be visiting a someone's house where taking off your shoes is required. You get the drift. No matter what the situation, you're self conscious about your sweaty, smelly, noticeable problem. Maybe you've finally realized that you don't want this to bother you for the rest of your life. If this is the case then this article may be the start of your salvation. The fact is you don't have to have sweaty feet for the rest of your life. In actuality, you can stop your foot sweating in as little as two weeks. Read on to find the solution to this plaguing problem.

    Everyone sweats and the sweat excreted by the body is odorless but it is the bacteria on the skin that causes the smell we all associate with perspiration - especially the smell of foot sweating.

    The palms of our hands and the soles of our feet have a higher number of sweat glands than most other parts of our body and for this reason we tend to be more aware of foot sweating and sweaty palms.

    Most of us can recall the embarrassment of having to shake hands with a sweaty palm or having to take our shoes off when we know they will smell of foot sweating.

    A good daily hygiene routine can reduce the problems associated with foot sweating. Because sweat is produced continually foot sweating is not something we just have to worry about when it is warm or when we are exercising. We need to be sure that we are removing all traces of foot sweating from our feet to prevent the bacteria producing that very distinctive aroma - eau de toe.

    Foot sweating can be made worse by a structural problem with the foot or if the owner of the feet spends a lot of time standing during the day. If ignored foot sweating can lead to all sorts of other foot complications such as fungal infections and blisters as both of these conditions occur in warm moist areas.

    Twice daily washing of feet, the use of anti-perspirants, regular changes of footwear, buying leather shoes rather than those made of synthetic materials are all steps that can be taken to minimize the problem of foot sweating. However, for a long term solution, treatments need to be considered for the problem of foot sweating and there is one of the better ones recommended here.

    Are you finally ready to do something about your excessively sweating feet? You don't have to live with this perspiration problem any longer. Click here to find the ultimate solution to excessively sweating feet!

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    An Excessive Sweating Remedy

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    Having problems with excessive sweating is a difficult thing to put up with. There are thousands of people who also have the problem and suffer just as you do. One of the problems with sweating problems is that the people that have them tend to keep silent on the issue, trying to cure the disease by covering over its effects. They do this by using powders and sprays that they find at the local drug store, as well as by using multiple layers of clothing, or avoiding situations where they would start to sweat in the first place. Sometimes they isolate themselves in order to avoid the embarrassment, and that is no way to live. There is, however, an excessive sweating remedy that has helped some people to come to terms with their sweating problems.

    Excessive sweating is generally caused by a problem known as Hyperhidrosis. The primary form of Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where there is a problem with the nervous system. While this problem is not really understood, it seems to affect the sweat glands in those that have the condition. Secondary Hyperhidrosis seems to be more common and is excessive sweating caused by an underlying condition, such as hormonal changes or perhaps glandular problems or a disease, such as diabetes. Finding what is at the root of the sweating problem will help you to identify an excessive sweating remedy that will work for you.

    One excessive sweating remedy that has helped some people is to take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and two tablespoons of raw honey (raw, unfiltered, unheated) two or three times a day. Some people have reported that this has helped their sweating problems to dry up and disappear after some time.

    Natural methods of curing your overactive sweat glands do exist. In fact you can clear up your sweating problem without using one single drug, cream or other medical treatment. They never really work anyway and provide some temporary relief at best. Visit our website for a special report on how you can finally be free from sweating at

    Special report has the medical companies sweating. Visit us now for a special natural method of profuse sweating relief.

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    Thursday, August 16, 2007

    Stop Sweating Now

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    Nothing is as uncomfortable and as embarrassing as uncontrollable sweating. A lot of people go through life trying all sorts of remedies to control their sweating, but nothing seems to work. You have probably tried every type and brand of deodorant, vitamin, and method out there to stop your sweating. Through all this trial and error though still no results. I have something to tell you about that will change your life and end your uncontrollable sweating so you can live life again.

    It Doesn't Matter What You've Already Tried ... You Can Lower Underarm, Hand, Face, Foot and Overall Sweating By As Much As 95% "Sweat-free after 5 days"

    -- Testimonial -- I was so excited to find your book. I am even more excited now. I wore black almost every day because it doesn't show the sweat marks as bad, and doesn't stain as bad.

    I will wear a white shirt tomorrow for the first time in years! It has only been 5 days and the sweating is gone.

    Thank you so much.

    Leesa Slater, Melbourne, Australia


    If you have ever been embarrassed by excessive sweating, I have two things to say to you:

    1. You are not alone

    2. And you've definitely come to the right place!

    Here's why ...

    I'm about to reveal a 100% all-natural, incredibly easy-to-follow process that you can use to quickly and easily eliminate your sweat problems FOREVER!

    Do you or someone you love currently suffer from excessive sweating? If so ... I urge you to read this letter to find out how this problem can be cured naturally in less than two weeks!

    Introducing the "Stop Sweating and Start Living: A Practical Guide to Ending Your Underarm Sweat Problem" eBook!

    This ebook contains everything you need to know to put an end to excessive underarm sweating quickly, easily and naturally!


    Imagine no longer feeling embarrassed because of excessive underarm sweat …


    Imagine no longer worrying about ruining your favorite shirts with sweat stains …


    Imagine no longer needing to wear undershirts to provide extra protection against your underarm sweating …


    Imagine no longer being concerned with trying to keep your armpits cool throughout the day …


    Imagine no longer dreading going outside on a warm day…


    Imagine no longer being forced to try the latest sticky antiperspirant that you know isn't going to work anyway …


    Imagine how much more confident you'd be without your sweating problem ...

    Now You Can Stop Imagining and Make It a Wonderful New Reality with the "Stop Sweating and Start Living" eBook!

    To find out more Click Here!

    I specialize in researching common problems and finding real resources to solve them. For more information on this top of how to stop sweating now Click Here!

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    Excessive Sweating and Me

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    The first signs of an excessive sweating attack come when I am sat at my desk at home, its not hot, and I’m not doing anything. Really no one would be sweating at this point, but I always seem to be. I am not overweight, I am not unfit, and I am not a dog. But this has been a problem of mine for many years, and I am sure (or at least was) it will be to come. Excessive sweating is no joke, and no fun; its not life threatening, but it is life prohibiting.

    The problems with this condition are 100% public; you sweat, you get embarrassed about sweating in a cold room, so you sweat more, and you get more embarrassed, and on and on.

    This cycle is destined to spiral out of control until you are a mere puddle on the sidewalk, or a very thin man wearing very large and wet clothes.

    Once, a few years ago, I was sweating excessively at a meeting, and everyone kindly, turned up the air con for me, they pretended they were hot too, and did many other kind and totally pointless things like undoing shirt collars, fannig themselves and more, and all this for little old me. It is embarrassing, and them doing this, only highlighted it even more. I couldn’t win; drawing attention to it doesn’t help, nor does trying not to think about it. Do you realise that I have made my condition into a living entity. I should name it, I should make friends with it, anything that will make it go away.

    I don’t know when it started, but I do know that I have not had it for life. I am 38, and for a lot of those youthful years, I was sweat-free, but I am guessing (as are you), that I was burning calories with all the other hyper-active kids in my area. Football, swimming, drumming, and generally running ‘til you die, all have the same resultant value on fat, it burns, and your metabolism is sky-high, plus you are sugared off your head, so no wonder I didn’t notice, or have this condition in my childhood years.

    This brings me to now, I am coping, it is getting better, in that it is becoming manageable. Excessive Sweating was the bain of my life, and now it is a mild irritation, and something that doesn’t rear its head too often.

    Fingers crossed for the future.

    Sean Redfearn is the owner of many fine sweat glands, and the website

    He has had a problem for many years, and finally believes he is getting on with his life.

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    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    Excessive Sweating in Children

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    Excessive sweating in children can be due to many causes. Children tend to sweat profusely so excessive sweating is not necessarily cause for alarm. Usually, safe holistic treatments can be used to decrease discomfort. However, if your gut tells you there is a real problem, listen to your gut. In that case, before exploring holistic treatments, every possible medical reason should be explored.

    There are a few medical reasons that infants and young children may have excessive sweating. One shouldn’t rush to diagnose any of the possible conditions, but if excessive sweating exists, then one should check for other symptoms of disease.


    One of the symptoms of diabetes is excessive sweating. One should look at other symptoms such as excessive thirst and frequent urination before considering the possibility of diabetes.

    Congestive Heart Failure

    If excessive sweating occurs whenever an infant is feeding, then congestive heart failure may be a possibility. Other symptoms such as fast respiratory rate and a frequent cough would accompany the sweating.


    Excessive sweating in children may also be due to Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Hyperthyroidism can easily be ruled out with a simple urine test.

    Once the above medical conditions have been ruled out, it is now time to seek holistic approaches. Any long-term condition that cannot or should not be remedied by medical or surgical procedures should be a candidate for more holistic remedies. Check with your doctor before beginning any holistic program.

    One holistic remedy includes taking 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey first thing in the morning. This remedy works for some people.

    For more holistic remedies, visit: sweating

    For more information on excessive sweating, visit sweating

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  • Excessive Sweating in Children
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    Cause Of Excessive Sweating

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    You, a businessperson, are placed in a chair attending an important board meeting. This is one of the pinnacles of your career. The merger of two companies. You, a student, are about to make a speech. In this class you have to make an A on this speech in order to pass. You, a worker need to talk to your boss. You want to ask him for that well-deserved promotion.

    Then it hits. The sweats. You begin to perspire profusely. Your face heats up and people incline their heads at you, as if to say "What's up?" The sweating doesn't go away and you are so unnerved by this unseasonal sweating that you botch the merger or the speech or the asking for the promotion. Excessive sweating is a problem that many people suffer from. This article will go over the cause of excessive sweating.

    Some sweating is normal while other causes are diseases or side-effects from medicines. Some ordinary causes of sweating are: exercise or exertion, hot weather, alcohol consumption, spicy foods, hot drinks, coffee, synthetic clothing, humidity, and smoking. If this doesn't describe you and you have excessive sweating, we are going to discuss the cause of excessive sweating brought on by stress, anxiety, fear, embarrassment, anger, and nervousness.

    Stress is not considered a formal diagnosis by many physicians. However, there are some people who would like to consider it a strong indicator of weakness. Stress is not an indication of weakness, but a body's reaction to stressors or conditions where the person has no control over the situation. The definition of stress is very broad, ranging from physical stress to emotional stress to social stress.

    Extreme stressors, for example, are a traumatic accident, death, or an emergency situation. Stress can also be related to diseases. The milieu of stress we discuss here is the stress associated with daily life, the workplace, and family responsibilities, because that is where our lives are mainly affected by excessive sweat. In science, there is "good stress," for example, stress that we might have writing an English paper and "bad stress," say a friend just died. In either case, there is no good stress when discussing excessive sweat, because a cycle is formed in which the stress of sweating causes more sweating and so on.

    When we encounter these stressful events in daily life, our heart rate increases and adrenaline rushes through the blood stream, digestive and immune systems temporarily shut down. The neurochemical side of stress is that the human body starts to release catecholamine hormones, epinephrine, and norepinephrin, and glucocordicoid hormones, such as cortisol and cortisone. Whatever the hormones excreted, nervous sweaters know that their response to stress is sweat and large amounts of it.

    Whatever the cause of stress and consequently buckets of sweat there are several ways to deal with stress in our lives. One way is yoga and meditation. Yoga creates "a climate of dynamic peacefulness within." Practicing yoga, one builds up natural safe responses to stress. Much of yoga has to do with deep breathing. Learning to deep breath cuts down on the stress of tense or unexpected moments, and cutting down on the cause of excessive sweating, decreases the water coming from your pores.

    Meditation goes back to the ancient Rishis or spiritual seers in India. It is used to gain direct knowledge of the nature of the Ultimate Reality. By just focusing the mind on a certain object, idea, or word for a certain amount of time per day will also have the same effect as yoga does.

    Gen Mason also suffers from excessive sweating. Discover free natural ways to end your sweating at Excessive Sweating Medical Conditions

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    Sweating Vacation

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    It seems like everyone is concerned about putting on the pounds over the annual holiday season, but what about summer vacations? We spend the greater part of the new year trying to shed the weight gained from an over-indulgence of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies and various other sweets in order to slip into that new bikini or eliminate the gut before shedding the shirt at the beach. What happens when you reach your destination of summer frolicking? Toss your diet out the window and reward yourself with excess? Stay loyal to your eating and exercise plan? Somehow manage to find a happy medium? I was faced with these questions when I embarked on a weeklong excursion of bliss to Kona Village on the Big Island of Hawaii.

    My parents wanted to take the family on vacation to celebrate their 40th anniversary, as well as the birthdays of my nephew (10th) and myself (36th, ahem). They decided on Kona Village because we had celebrated Christmas there back in 2002 and had a wonderful time (though I had experienced periods of boredom due to the fact that the accommodations have no TV, computer or phone). If you want a site to get away from it all, and be pampered in the quintessential locale of relaxation, this is the place to go.

    Over the holidays I had fallen victim to the two-headed monster known as Sloth and Gluttony, so I put in plenty of effort to get back in shape. As a competitive open water swimmer, I was focusing more on getting prepared for the spring/summer race season than achieving the perfect beach body, but I won’t scoff at the aesthetic results. After months of training, respectable success in my races, and the loss of 15 pounds, I was a bit apprehensive about stepping aside for a week of hedonism.

    Determined to take as few backwards steps as possible, I forged a plan for exercising and eating before departing the mainland. My training partner in California (shout out to Lisa) hooked me up with a friend of hers who lives in Kona-Kailua so I would have a motivating force on the island. We exchanged communications and planned a few swims, including a race the day after I arrived!

    The 11th Annual King Swim took place at the Kailua Pier, which is the starting and finishing point of the Ironman World Championships Triathlon. Before you start to get impressed (just yet), the race was just 1.2 miles, instead of the 2.4 miles swum in the initial stage of the Ironman. I didn’t go through the ubiquitous pre-race nerves because I didn’t have any high expectations for this event. Since I was in the land of stud triathletes and had been in Kona for just 15 hours (not to mention the effect the time change had on me), I went into the race just wanting to have fun and to get some ocean swimming under my belt. Despite some crooked swimming, due to my limited attention span wondering off and looking at all the pretty fishes, I actually had a pretty good race. I finished first in my age group (got a sweet trophy), was the fifth male and the seventh overall finisher. Of the six people who came in before me, five were 18-years-old or younger, and the other was a 43-year-old woman who holds numerous world records in Masters Swimming (my island training partner). Not bad for an old man in the last day of his 35th year of life!

    Aside from this race, I tried to swim daily in the ocean, which included another 1.2 miler on the same racecourse (for fun) and a completion of the whole 2.4-mile Ironman course (also for fun). Throw in a couple of pool workouts and a (mostly) daily trip to the resort workout room for weights and cardio, and I got in more than my fair share of vacation exercise. I found that the key to getting your sweat on while away from home is to do it first thing in the morning, getting it out of the way and leaving the rest of the day wide open for the real fun (or napping, if you prefer).

    As for eating, the hardest part was resisting the temptation of the huge buffet breakfasts and lunches. I stuck to my goal of keeping on the blinders in front of the food spreads and throwing caution to the wind at dinner. Every day I was a good little boy and had eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt and berries for breakfast and a biggie salad for lunch (with a few French fries thrown in for good measure). Dinners were a different story, though I did not go completely overboard. There were plenty of four-course meals (with yummy lobster on most nights), but I knew I could shovel it in knowing I would be burning (most) of it off the next morning. As for desserts, I swore to myself that I would avoid them all unless cheesecake (my Kryptonite) was offered up. I succeeded in this mission until the last dinner of the trip when cheesecake finally popped up on the menu (woo hoo!).

    All in all, I had a fabulous trip and came home weighing the same as I did when I left. I’m not suggesting that y’all be a psycho nutcase like me when taking time away in the summer, but it is possible to avoid all the traps that lay ahead of you when leaving the safe confines of your home regimen. Plus, the more disciplined you are while on vacation, the easier it will be to jump back into the daily grind upon your return. Just a little food for thought. is a site focused on building a strong swap community online. The ShareThing program helps non-profits get access to item & cash donations as well as volunteers and professional services.

    This article comes with reprint rights. You are free to reprint and distribute it as you like. All that we ask is that you do not make any changes, that this resource text is included, and that the link above is intact.

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    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Treatment for Excessive Sweating - My Grandmother's Home-Made Treatment for Excessive Sweating

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    My grandmother has her own ways of dealing with daily medical conditions and illnesses. Although at times these home-made remedies can be seem backward compared to modern science and medicine, these treatments work wonders for her grandchildren.

    Allow me to share with you a particular treatment for excessive sweating which she used on us when we were much younger. It involves using black tea as the main substance to help us eliminate sweat odor and reduce our excessive sweating.

    There was one period of time when my brother was complaining about having heat rash due to his excessive sweating problems. My grandmother then would make him bathed the affected areas with strongly brewed black tea everyday. Of course, you would not want to put sugar into the brew.

    She also made my brother soak his sweaty palms in a bowl of strongly brewed, cooled, black tea for about two to four minutes. Being the mischievous one, he would soak it for more than ten minutes, and came out grinning with brown hands!

    After a few days, my brother’s heat rash slowly disappeared and all was back to normal.

    My smelly feet were not spared either. She would insist that I soak my feet into a pail of lukewarm black tea for about 20 minutes. The smelly feet odor was greatly reduced after a few days. Of course, washing the socks was another different approach altogether.

    Besides using black tea as a natural treatment for excessive sweating, she also made us drink hot brewing black tea for its health benefits. In fact drinking black tea can help reverse the abnormal functioning of the blood vessels that can contribute to stroke or heart attack. Studies done at Boston’s School of Medicine also showed that there was improvement in the functioning of the blood vessels within two hours of drinking just one cup of black tea.

    Black tea is also a good treatment for excessive sweating problems as it helps to bring our stress hormone levels back to normal. According to a study done at University College of London, drinking black tea may speed up our recovery from the daily stresses in life. This may help us to reduce anxiety and indirectly help to overcome our excessive sweating problems.

    Do you also know that you can control your excessive sweating simply by changing your eating habits? Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatment for excessive sweating here at "Treatment for Excessive Sweating".

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    Treatment for Excessive Sweating - Facts About Using Drysol as a Treatment for Excessive Sweating

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    There are many different brands of antiperspirants that you can use. While most of these are effective in preventing sweat there are times when you will need something that is even much stronger.

    For people who suffer from hiperhidrosis, the best antiperspirant as a treatment for excessive sweating is that of Drysol antiperspirant. While this antiperspirant works well for some people, there are few facts that you should take note of.

    Fact 1: Check your allergies

    If you are planning on using Drysol antiperspirant as a treatment for excessive sweating, you should not be allergic to any of its ingredients. Try to avoid using this antiperspirant if you have allergies to certain types of food, medicines or planning on becoming pregnant.

    Fact 2: Prescription Odor Preventative

    Unlike other commercial antiperspirants and deodorants, you will find that Drysol antiperspirant is a prescription odor preventative. You need to consult with your doctor before you start using this antiperspirant. The method of applying Drysol is quite different from other deodorants or antiperspirants. Whereas with the commercial brands you can apply the substance at any time of the day or night, Drysol solution has other requirements.

    For instance you will find that the Drysol antiperspirant needs to be applied to your underarms only in the night. This is because at this period you tend to sweat less. Before applying the antiperspirant you need to let your underarm area dry completely. You should also make sure that you are not applying Drysol antiperspirant to any broken or recently shaved or irritated skin.

    Fact 3: Applicable to Other Parts of Body

    There is one other interesting feature with regards to the application of Drysol antiperspirant. Most of the commercial antiperspirants can only be used on the underarms. With Drysol antiperspirant you can apply this solution to your scalp, feet or hands. You will then need to wash the treated area thoroughly in the morning.

    Fact 4: Recommended Dosage & Side Effects

    The prescribed dose for using Drysol antiperspirant is 2 to 3 nights. Once you have stopped sweating, you can reduce the dosage amount to once or twice a week. There are a few minor side effects which can result from the use of this antiperspirant. These side effects are itching, burning, prickling, or a tingling in the areas that were treated with the Drysol antiperspirant.

    As you see there is a marked difference to using commercial antiperspirants and Drysol antiperspirant. If you are suffering from excessive sweating and none of the other remedies have worked then you might want to try Drysol antiperspirant and see how it works for you.

    Do you know that you can control your excessive sweating simply by changing your eating habits? Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatment for excessive sweating here at "Treatment for Excessive Sweating" now.

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    Monday, August 13, 2007

    Prevent Excessive Sweating - 4 Tips to Prevent Excessive Sweating During the Day

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    Sometimes it takes just common sense to prevent excessive sweating. However, for those people who have been suffering from excessive sweating, there are times when we take these simple tips for granted.

    Yes, I know, I suffered from excessive sweating problems too. And while searching for answers on how to prevent excessive sweating, I came across some ideas which appear to be a no-brainer to me, but in fact they make a lot more sense when applied. And the good part is, they are effective and help you to stay dry and comfortable.

    Here are the four simple tips. They are common ideas; however, they are usually overlooked by most people.

    #1 - Drink Plenty of Water

    I used to have the misconception that by drinking more water, I will sweat even more. On the contrary, drinking plenty of water, preferably 6 to 8 glasses daily will help your body to cool down. Remember, your body releases sweat when it is hot. So start drinking water to help prevent excessive sweating, especially during the day.

    #2 - Wear Loose Clothing

    This is actually a no-brainer. However, I used to be tightly buttoned up in ties and long-sleeved shirts and wonder why I was sweating so much. It is only when I officially start to wear short sleeves without tucking into my pants then I realize how much breathing space I was lacking. Nowadays, I simply wear t-shirts to work. I will just bring along a jacket or a blazer in case of any urgent business meetings.

    #3 - Stay In the Shade

    Yes, another common sense tip, isn’t it? Yes, we know that it’s hot outside. Yes, we know that we’re prone to heat stroke, sunburn and excessive sweating when exposed to hot temperatures. But we don’t realize exactly how hot it is or we think that we’re strong enough to withstand a small heat wave. Most times we just don’t realize how dangerously hot it is until we’re drenched in sweat and look like we just jumped into the nearest body of water fully clothed.

    #4 - Drink a Cup of Tea

    When in doubt, or rather when in sweat, drink a cup of tea and not the iced variety either. Yes, it might sound insane to drink a hot cup of tea when the weather itself is scorching hot, but this is one little secret that I know works. The tea, when drunk while still hot, is refreshing, and even though you might find that you sweat a little initially, it helps to cool you down and helps to prevent excessive sweating.

    Learn more on how to prevent excessive sweating quickly and easily! Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatments for excessive sweating here at "Prevent Excessive Sweating Problems".

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    Control Excessive Sweating - Practice Good Hygiene to Help Control Excessive Sweating

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    Excessive sweating affects about 1% of the population and there are many causes for it. Some of these causes include conditions like hiperhidrosis, excessive outdoor activity, menopause, obesity and the onset of puberty. In most cases, excessive sweating occurs to most people in hot and humid weather conditions.

    Daily hygiene rituals also play a major role in causing excessive sweating in adults and teenagers alike. While majority of the population take their hygiene habits as a daily routine, those people who are suffering from excessive sweating are facing a challenge in keeping themselves dry and odor-free in most parts of the day.

    If you have been battling with excessive sweating and frantically searching for ways to help control your excessive sweating problems, then the first question that you need to ask yourself is, “Have I been practicing good hygiene habits?”

    Good hygiene habits can help to control excessive sweating to a large extent. Simple habitual action like showering two or three times daily will help to eliminate the stale sweat odor that is produced by the bacteria on your body.

    However, if you are very conscious of your excessive sweating condition, and you feel the need to shower more than three times a day, perhaps it is good to consult your doctor. You might need to find a better remedy to help control your excessive sweating problem that goes together with your cleansing ritual.

    At the same time, it may also be wise for you to use a deodorizing soap while you are under the nozzle. In fact, it will be better if you can use the antibacterial soap. Use it in moderation and sparingly of course.

    You might also want to exfoliate and scrub away the layer of dead cells on your body. At the same time, scrubbing your body will also remove the layer of odor causing bacteria. It also helps to take away the residue of the deodorizing product that you are using.

    Practicing good hygiene habits will inevitably help to control excessive sweating problems in the long run. More often than not, you do not have to spend lots of money on costly treatment and ineffective products.

    Do you know how to control excessive sweating problems naturally? Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatments for excessive sweating here at "Control Excessive Sweating Problems".

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    Excessive Head Sweating - Tips to Control Your Excessive Head Sweating With Ease

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    Truth be told, there are many people who sweat excessively from places other than their underarms alone. In fact people who suffer from excessive sweats, otherwise known as hiperhidrosis, experience excessive sweating on their hands, face, feet, on their back and even in their genital area.

    Any and all of these places are likely to be embarrassing for the person who suffers from excessive sweating of these areas. For a person who has facial or even head sweating of course, it becomes even more difficult to conceal the fact, or even to deal with it. Why is this especially so for facial and head sweating?

    For the simple reason that any other type of sweating can be more easily disguised, whereas head sweating (as in beads of sweat running down the face), is not so easy to cover up. And even if the sweat doesn’t roll off your face, your hair can become damp and begin to smell of stale sweat. And that really is a problem for many people, because nobody likes to have a sweaty and a smelly head.

    Ultimately it’s not only uncomfortable and lead to itching of the scalp, but it can in some very cases lead to unhealthy hair. Although one of the best ways to deal with a head sweating problem is to bathe regularly, using shampoos and such, this can also become a cause of the excessive sweating.

    For example, unless you have very short hair, it can become disadvantageous to your efforts to control your head sweating to have a head of damp and dripping hair. This can and will promote more sweat to form, in which case all the trouble you went to, will become futile.

    And if you’re using a hairdryer to take care of your moistened hair, you then have the problem of making your scalp too hot at which point it begins to sweat to help you cool off.

    Of course, there are things that you can do to help you deal with; if not outright prevent head sweating. The most drastic of these measures should be consulted with, with your doctor. For other things as well, such as herbal treatments and remedies you might want to consult with your doctor as they will have a better understanding of your present state of health.

    However when all is said and done, excessive head sweating can be controlled. You just need a little time and perseverance, to find the treatment that works best for you. You might also want to stay away from wearing any headgear such as hats and caps!

    Do you know that you can control your excessive sweating simply by changing your eating habits? Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatment for excessive sweating here at Treatment for Excessive Sweating now.

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    Excessive Underarm Sweating - 3 Habitual Tips to Control Your Excessive Underarm Sweating Problems

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    Excessive underarm sweating is a health condition that affects about 3% of the population. Most people who suffer from excessive underarm sweating also face the consequential problem of having a bad body odor.

    Embarrassment from having sweat stains all over your clothing coupled with a bad body odor certainly will make a person suffering from excessive underarm sweating drained with low self confidence.

    There are of course various ways to deal with excessive underarm sweating or excessive sweating in general. Some people will instantly shoot off to the nearest convenience stores looking for commercial deodorants and antiperspirants. There are also others who might want to use more natural and holistic treatment like homeopathy and herbs.

    For those who have been suffering from a persistent excessive underarm sweating problem, they might consider going for cosmetic surgeries like Botox treatment to help stop sweating for good.

    Although such surgical treatment might be a bit too extreme in most cases, you might want to start off by identifying certain habitual actions that can trigger your excessive underarm sweating problems.

    These are a few questions that you can ask yourself and refine certain routines in your lifestyle so that you can adapt to your excessive underarm sweating worries.

    Are you wearing dark-colored clothing?

    As most of us have learnt back from our science classes, black absorbs and attracts heat. Dark colored clothing will definitely attract more body heat that will trigger your body to release more sweat.

    Try to wear light colored clothing for a change to repel heat. Colors like beige, peach, cream and pink are refreshing and are also in fashion. More often than not, your excess underarm sweating can occur due to the color of your clothing.

    Are you drinking enough water throughout the day?

    By definition of water here, we mean plain water. Not coffee or even alcoholic beverages. Water helps to cool our body down and by understanding that sweating is our natural cooling function, the hotter our body is the sweatier we will get.

    Drink at least seven glasses water everyday. Or better still, drink beyond the point of thirst. Plain water is also a good way to detoxify our body and helps to control your excessive underarm sweating problem per se.

    Are you always in stress?

    Stress is also one the common causes of excessive underarm sweating. Most people who are in a high-stress level environment will find themselves sweating most of the time.

    Take time to de-stress yourself. Go for a spa retreat. Indulge in bubble baths and turn on soothing music. Play golf. Take up yoga lessons. Do whatever that is necessary to take your mind off the stress environment.

    Do you also know that you can control your excessive underarm sweating simply by changing your eating habits? Sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to learn the natural treatment for excessive sweating here at Treatment for Excessive Sweating now.

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    Botox for Sweating - Find Out if You Need Botox for Sweating Problems

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    Somehow, whenever I come across the word Botox, images of aging celebrities trying to salvage their youth are conjured in my mind. Botox is closely associated with ironing out wrinkles and cosmetic surgery for the rich and famous, but do you know that Botox can also be used to treat excessive sweating problems?

    Botox, which is actually the commercial name for Botulinum toxin is also used to treat excessive sweating problems or hiperhidrosis. It has been shown that injecting the Botulinum toxin into you can stop your sweat glands from producing sweat for weeks or even months on end.

    Usually Botox for sweating is used by injecting onto the armpit area. This treatment blocks the chemical signals from the nerve that stimulate the sweat glands. The excessive sweating ceases when the sweat glands do not receive these signals.

    Using Botox for sweating can be very effective as proven by clinical studies. Usually patients will notice a significant reduction in armpit sweating within 4 weeks of their treatment. However, Botox is not a cure as the symptoms will return gradually after a period of time. When the sweating symptoms return, patients will have to undergo their follow up treatment again.

    Although Botox is effective for sweating problems, it can potentially cost you an arm and a leg to have this procedure done on a regular basis. There are also some people who used Botox for their sweating palms. It was reported that it is not as effective and can inflict a great deal of pain.

    Remember to always consult your physician first before seeking Botox treatment for your sweating issues.

    There are also cheaper and effective methods to stop your excessive sweating condition. One such method involves a simple 3-step plan that can be done in the comfort of your own home. It is reported that this all-natural treatment discovered by a hiperhidrosis sufferer, Mike Ramsey, can help to control sweating within 2 weeks.

    This highly practical treatment which is outlined in his e-Book, ‘Stop Sweating and Start Living’ has been proven effective for 96% of his 7,200 customers. And for the record, this safe treatment is less expensive and less painful as compared to using Botox for your sweating concerns.

    Do you want to learn the all-natural treatment to stop excessive sweating in less than 2 weeks? Click here to get the popular e-book “Stop Sweating and Start Living” with a limited time offer here at "Special Offer for Stop Sweating and Start Living" now!

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    Saturday, August 11, 2007

    Excessive Armpit Sweating - A Cheap and Effective Way to Control Your Excessive Armpit Sweating

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    One who suffers from excessive sweating is aware that sweating may not be targeted to the armpit area alone. The list can be long and includes other places on your body such as the genital area, the toes of your feet, palms, forehead and the even the face area.

    However, excessive armpit sweating is the most common form of sweating and the one which most of us tend to be largely concern with.

    Most people who sweat excessively usually experience armpit sweating alone. That is why we are constantly bombarded with advertisements and commercials from the deodorant and antiperspirant companies with their array of products.

    There are some people who would readily go for these products which are available easily in supermarkets and convenience stores. There are also others who prefer the natural remedies to deal with their excessive armpit sweating rather than applying the chemical laden products on their skin.

    For those of you who prefer to use the natural way to control your excessive sweating, there are a number of ways to do so. One such treatment to help lessen your excessive armpit sweating is to use baking soda.

    Yes, baking soda can be one of the natural deodorants of your choice. It is cheap, easy to get and at the same time just as effective. Although it will not stop your excessive armpit sweating completely, baking soda can neutralize any odor and kill odor producing bacteria on your body, especially on the armpit area.

    There are also natural deodorants that contain baking soda, but be careful to see if these deodorants also contain other substances that may bad for you.

    If you prefer to use baking soda the natural way, then all you have to do is dust a thin layer of it on the armpit area. Make sure the offending area is dried completely before applying the baking soda.

    Another variation of this technique is to use cornstarch. You may feel awkward dusting yourself with cornstarch or baking soda at first, but these cheap treatments can definitely help to alleviate your excessive armpit sweating problems.

    Would you like to know more cheap and effective ways to deal with your excessive armpit sweating problems? Then, sign up for a FREE 5-Part lesson now to discover the natural treatments for excessive sweating here at "Treatment for Excessive Sweating".

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